S08:05 - Genesis 16:1-16 - On Seeing Hagar, the Used, and the Abused
S08:04 - Genesis 14:1-24 - On Rescuing Lot
S08:03 - Genesis 13:1-18 - 3 Questions that Lead Away from Sodom
S08:02 - Genesis 12:10-20 - Beyond Deception
S08:01 - Genesis 11:27-12:9 - Leaving for the Promised Land
BONUS Episode - New Book Coming Out!
S07:11 - Turn! Turn! Turn! - Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
S07:10 - BONUS Episode - An Interview with Luke Thompson Author of "Your Life Has Meaning"
S07:09 - The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come - Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14
S07:08 - Money Is the Answer to Everything!? - Ecclesiastes 4:4-8; 13-16, 5:10-17, 10:16-11:6
S07:07 - Solomon on Injustice - Ecclesiastes 3:1-4:3, 5:8-9, 8:10-15, 9:11-18
S07:06 - The Forest for the Trees - Ecclesiastes 1-12
S07:05 - The Gospel According to Solomon - Ecclesiastes 2:26, 7:15-22, 9:7-10
S07:04 - Carpe Diem - Ecclesiastes 2:24-2:26; 3:12-13, 22; 5:18-20; 8:15; 9:7-10
S07:03 - Not Far Apart - Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:23
S07:02 - East of Eden - Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
S07:01 - Life Reframed - An Introduction to the Book of Ecclesiastes
S06:08 - He Is Faithful - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:28
S06:07 - The Winning Life - 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12
S06:06 - The Call to Holy Living - 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8